Non Veg jokes in English | नॉन वेज जोक्स इंग्लिश यहाँ से पढ़ें Latest 2024

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Non Veg jokes in English

हेल्लो नमस्कार दोस्तों तो आज हम आपको अपने इस आर्टिकल Non Veg jokes in English में आपके लिए बहुत ही मज़ेदार English में jokes लेके आया हूँ, जो लोग English में jokes पढ़ना चाहते हैं, उनके लिए भी हमने छाट-छाट के आपके लिए jokes को लिखा हैं, जो आपको यक़ीनन काफी ज्यादा पसन्द आयेंगे, तो जल्दी से आप एक बार इन Non Veg jokes in English को पढ़े और अपने दोस्तों को भी भेजें।

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हिंदी में मस्त मस्त कहानियां पढ़ने के लिए यहां क्लिक करे – Mishra’s Lover

Non Veg jokes

1. What do girls wear under their pants? Think, keep thinking.
She wears sandals. Dirty mind? Asked below, not inside.

2. Woman: Doctor, I don’t want a child for a few days.

Doctor: Take this. Woman: With water or milk?
Doctor: This is Kando*, it has to be taken with L*.

Non Veg jokes in English

3. How much money do people waste on their clothing style;

Whereas the most beautiful moments of life are spent without clothes.
Speaking of childhood, keep your intentions clear.

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4. Teacher: If I were your mother, I would have transformed

you from a donkey to a human being in 2 days. 
Pappu: And my father would have transformed

you from a human being to a mare in one night.

Non Veg jokes in English

5. Attractive message on girl’s t-shirt:
Not just by thinking;
Not just by looking; grow by doing something
human being.

6. Maid: Ma’am sir, I am pregnant. I need a long vacation.
Juli: Oh wow, Sakhubai. Take care!
Maid: Yes ma’am sir. You also take care of yourself,

sir’s sterilization operation has failed.

7. The erect penis of a boy standing behind

a girl in a crowded bus was touching the girl.
The girl slapped the boy hard and said, Bastard,

you don’t have a place to stand yourself, you have made him stand too.

Non Veg jokes English

8. Teacher: Don’t make any noise otherwise I will throw you out.
Children: First mine, first mine, first mine.

9. An old man started shaking his hands vigorously while watching a blue film.
Boy: What happened Baba ji?

Old man: Fuck his mother, I will fuck you, when he stood up after 10 years,

your sister’s hand became numb.

Non Veg jokes in English

10. The girl called Pappu and said, there is no one at home,

come, we will have fun.
Pappu said with surprise, I have just returned after hitting you twice.
Girl: Sorry friend, it was you again.

11. A woman touched the penis of a horse.
The horse became excited and started jumping and running very fast.
The owner of the horse said,

sister-in-law, now catch ours too, we have to catch the horse.

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12. Pappu asked the nurse, should I sleep with you?
Nurse: Go to sleep. Pappu: Should I finger your stomach?
Nurse: Do it. After some time the nurse said, ah ah ah, this is not the stomach.

Pappu: This is also not a finger.

13. Madam in the children..

Madam: Today I will ask you some interesting riddles,

think about the answers and tell me.
Children: Yes madam

Madam: Which betel leaf cannot be eaten?
Pappu: Pappu started laughing loudly, holding his stomach.
Madam: What happened Pappu?

Why are you laughing so much?
Pappu: Madam, you also ask so many questions… ‘breast-feeding’.
Madam: Worthless, asshole ‘Japan’

Non Veg jokes in English

Pure Non Veg jokes

14. Husband said: goodnight,
Wife: How goodnight? turn off the lights,

Tighten your arms, take a bite of the nipple, f

ight with the pussy, And drop your rare white then goodnight

15. Wife – Listen ji, what are these non-veg films?
Husband – I don’t know.
Wife – Tell me Husband – If your eyes water while watching a movie,

then the movie is bad.
If water comes out below then it is non-veg.

16. Husband: Should we have sex?
Wife: No.
Husband: I will bring a gold necklace. Wife: No.
Husband: I will bring the car.
Wife: No.
The son sleeping in the middle said,

Papa… fuck my ass but bring the bicycle only.

Non Veg jokes in English

17. Girl – Give me a condo*.
Shopkeeper – Sister of which company?

Girl – Give good company,
So that your sister’s honor remains intact,

And you may not be able to become an uncle.

18. Tailor – What should be the width of the neck from the back?
Girl – Keep it so wide that boys can see the step of my bra.
Tailor – What should be the waist measurement?
Girl – Do so much fitting that boys start drooling.
Taylor – What should be the measurement of hips?
Girl: Keep it so tight that the boys can stand up looking at it.

19. The boy went to pick a cock,
He stripped the girl naked and bent her upside down and said,

there is not a single hair on your pussy, why?
Girl: Have you come to fuck the bitch or to comb it?

20. When night falls, Kando* will also cry out.

Sara Jahan will be visible between the legs This is work darling,

do it carefully If even a drop falls, it will be heard after 9 months.

Non Veg jokes in English

आपको ये Non Veg jokes in English कैसे लगे हमे जरूर बताए। आने बाली पोस्ट आपको किस टॉपिक पर चाहिए ? कमेंट सेक्शन में आप अपनी राय बता सकते है। हम आपका हर एक कमेंट पढ़ कर उनका ज्यादा से ज्यादा रिप्लाई करते है। तो हमारी पूरी कोशिश रहेगी की आपके मन मुताबिक हम आपके लिए Hindi jokes ला सके।

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